Google Project Soli

About Soli:

Project Soli is Google ATAP’s attempt to get rid of external input devices and make use of the human body as the only input device. As devices get smaller, interacting with them via a display become difficult. Project Soli makes use of your hand and finger movments to interact with wearables or devices with small screens. Gesture control is a feature present on most mobile devices today.

How it works ?

Soli sensor technology works by emitting electromagnetic waves in a broad beam. Objects within the beam scatter this energy, reflecting some portion back towards the radar antenna. Properties of the reflected signal, such as energy, time delay, and frequency shift capture rich information about the object’s characteristics and dynamics, including size, shape, orientation, material, distance, and velocity.

Soli tracks and recognizes dynamic gestures expressed by fine motions of the fingers and hand. In order to accomplish this with a single chip sensor, we developed a novel radar sensing paradigm with tailored hardware, software, and algorithms. Unlike traditional radar sensors, Soli does not require large bandwidth and high spatial resolution; in fact, Soli’s spatial resolution is coarser than the scale of most fine finger gestures.

Instead, the fundamental sensing principles rely on motion resolution by extracting subtle changes in the received signal over time. By processing these temporal signal variations, Soli can distinguish complex finger movements and deforming hand shapes within its field.

soli-button  soli-dial  soli-slider


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